一級建築士事務所 有限会社ニセコホームデザイン
〒044-0081 北海道虻田郡倶知安町山田191-1 Hanami Townhouse B
TEL : 0136-55-8050 (from Japan) 81) 136-55-8050 (from oversea)
Email : info@nisekohomedesign.com
会社概要:有限会社ニセコホームデザイン代表取締役、一級建築士 上原 茂
ひらふ事務所:〒044-0081 北海道虻田郡倶知安町ニセコひらふ1条3丁目4番8号
Hanami Townhouse B
ニセコ町事務所:〒048-1551 北海道虻田郡ニセコ町里見25-12
建築士事務所登録:北海道知事登録(後)第216号 一級建築士事務所(有)ニセコホームデザイン
建設業許可:北海道知事登録 般-18(後)第01872号
Niseko Home Design has been in business since 2006. The company is
led by Shigeru Uehara, a licensed architect who possesses not only architectural design expertise but also building qualifications, making him one of the few professionals in the Niseko construction industry with this unique combination of skills. Uehara oversees all aspects of design and construction, collaborating with experienced local Japanese industry partners who understand the specific environmental demands of Niseko.
At Niseko Home Design, we take pride in delivering distinctive, high-quality projects. Each undertaking is meticulously designed and constructed to harmonize with the lifestyles and natural surroundings of the Niseko area.
Niseko Home Design,.ltd
Shigeru Uehara, managing director, class-1 architect
office address:Hanami townhouse B, 1-3-4-8 Niseko Hirafu, Kutchan-cho,
Abuta-gun, Hokkaido
TEL:0136-55-8050 (Japan) 81)136-55-8050(oversea)
architect office license : Hokkaido Shiribeshi No.216/class-1 architect office
builder's office license : Hokkaido Shiribeshi No. 18-01872